I want to be in the most ideal relationship. Where nothing wrong can happen, and if it did, we could get through it together.
That's why i have never been in a real relationship. It's called ideal because it never will happen. This world is full of people, imperfect. Ideal is the equivalent of perfect. Never flawed.
People who wishes for the ideal relationship is called a romantic idealist who always wishes but never romances. Perhaps because we prefer to linger in those fantasies than to be heartbroken.
Life is about facing challenges and humans be it men or women, they try as hard as they can to avoid obstacles that could end up in tears or perhaps worse, depression and suicide. But lets hope it does not come to that. Lets hope it never comes to that.
All i want is nothing out of the realm of possibilities. All i want is someone who keeps me on my toes. Keeps on surprising me as i do the same to her. Someone who understands the language my eyes without me even saying a syllable. Someone who can give me pleasure(ehem). Someone who supports me in whatever i do be it writing a novel or perhaps taking pictures of small crybabies and frail old has-beens. Someone who can read a book with me. Someone who can enjoy playing the sand on beaches and playing board games. Someone who would cook me meals as i provide other ingredients. Someone who would cook with me too.
Aaaaah. Needless to say, there are still more but maybe this is why i'm still single. Never plural.
If someone wishes to convert that into the plural form, please do so. But be prepared to be loved, be suffocated, be controlled.
Plural anyone? please. ahaha i sound so desperate.