Friday 22 August 2008

My first kiss.

It all started when this shooting star came out of nowhere in the middle of the sky. Perhaps to you this is none out of the ordinary. Well let me tell you this, it was a shooting star flaring in the sky in broad daylight. It wasn't easy to detect but being a detail-oriented person like me, it's a piece of cake.

As i was watching the the heavenly body shooting away in mid day, other people were busy with their errands. People kept walking and passing by and some shoved my shoulders. But all of that didn't matter because i was watching one of the wonders of the universe. After a few minutes of flying in the sky, the star vanished and soon my attention of it.

Then, out of the blue. BOP! Something hard hit me on the head. The next thing i knew, i was waking up in the arms of a beautiful lady. Short curly blonde hair. The lights were bouncing off the hair, flickering on it. Lips the colour of strawberries and eyes as blue as the crystal clear ocean. Her face in front of mine. So beautiful. I see her lips moving, it seems she was saying something but i couldn't quite catch what. My head is still feeling dizzy as if i had a hangover.

So i got up to lose the nauseating feeling in my gut. I sensed my bottom was on her lap, i blushed right then and there. Immediately i squatted next to her. Finally, the bustling sounds of the traffic slowly enters my head without making it feel like it's been hit with a baseball bat. Then, i heard the most euphoric voice i have ever heard in my sixteen years of life. Twas the voice of the lady. "Are you alright?" she said. Has an angel dropped out of the heavens to help me? Realizing i hadn't answered her question and my head still feeling the dizziness from the hit, i replied with a soft "Hmmm".

My heart was beating ten times faster than usual. Perhaps it was due to her smooth gentle hand stroking my backside to relieve me of my pain. This was the first time i've felt the touch of the opposite gender, besides my mom of course. This has left me feeling uncontrollably nervous in addition to being in the presence of a beauty.

"That was a big hit. Are you sure you're alright?" her voice dancing in my ears.
"No, it's alright. I think i'm okay now".
"Well then, if you're wondering what hit you, this would probably be it".

She held out her pale skinny hand and put a big star shaped crystal-like rock in mine. The rock seemed weird to me. For some unknown reason, i was attracted to this alien object. I gazed at it as if i could see whats inside, forgetting that there was a lady next to me already on her feet brushing her clothes of debris.

"If you're alright i suggest you quickly head home. It's getting dark".

Her strawberry lips smiling as she uttered those last words and continued walking along the pavement. I glanced back at the rock she handed me. That feeling of uneasiness crept into my veins as i looked hard at the rock. It wasn't just like any ordinary rock. Seems to me that this rock is not of this world. Heck this street is made of tarmac, there should be no sticks and stones here. Still i wonder the nature of the object in my grasp.

Then it hit me. Not another rock, but something else in my head. I realized that i didn't get the chance to thank the lady. Quickly i stood up and looked around to detect her flickering hair. The long brown hair the lights bounced off, flickering. It was nowhere in sight. She was nowhere to be found. Being an immature sixteen year old boy that i am, i shouted.

"Thank you, Lady!".

Good thing there weren't a lot of people. Soon i realised that the street lamps were glowing. I glanced at my watch, the big hand pointing to seven and the little hand pointing at twelve. It was already 7:00 pm. I've got to get home or i'm done for! Holding the star shaped rock in my hand.

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