Saturday 27 September 2008

The feeling you get when the poop is outta here.

Do you know that feeling you get when you're pooping and the poop hasn't gotten out of your butthole but it's like semi out. Partially out of that a-hole. And you're like doing your best, pushing with all of your might and strength and heart and enthusiasm to get that little/big sucker the hell outta there.

You breathe in and breathe out. You swish and swash. Your feet are shaking left to right and your hands are gripping the skin of your thighs cause there ain't nothing to hold on to.

You push and you push. You huff and you puff.

And at last that little maggot is outta there. You feel a very great satisfaction. The greatest. A high. Adrenaline is pumping through your veins for you have achieved a success. The feeling like there is nothing in this world that can make you feel negative.The feelings of grandeur. The feeling of sheer and utter happiness.

Do you know that feeling?

Well i miss that feeling. i haven't had a big dump since i can't remember.

And today when you called me after so long a time. I was overwhelmed by that feeling. After so long we haven't contacted each other, to hear your familiar but distant voice. I felt the feeling. I miss those days and i miss you. But ah well, the sands of time is very seductive.

I hope to see you some time in the future. Mr/Mrs time keeper, do not keep us apart any longer, please and thank you.

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