Thursday 24 January 2008

Smile and the world will smile with you. A very true saying i must say. Sometimes the things we do not expect happens in front of us and we're just to ignorant to notice it first-hand. I have experienced this social phenomenon but i just started to notice it as well. I was too careless and ignorant but now that i am very aware of this i will try to understand and better myself. For instance, i have always loved walking home after school, taking lonely walks just thinking about my day and everytime i bumped into a stranger i smiled and they looked suspicously at first but as time passes and they recognize my face they started smiling back and that smile, that kindness from a stranger, from someone whom i haven't met personally made my day a lot better. Just by one smile, It's amazing how people affect your lives but you just don't know how and who. So the moral of this stroy is smile always and i assure you it will be rewarding. I promise. :)

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