Saturday 25 October 2008

Big green monster.

Sometimes i envy those people who idolises rock bands like The Who, The Ramones, Red Hot Chili Peppers and so on so forth. Not to mention those indie kids who loves those indie bands. I always wanted to be like them, not in the fanatic way but, the admiration part.

What i mean is, i envy their admiration, their love for their pop/rock band/singer. I always see in the tabloid, their favourite performer did a great cool looking concert in (insert name of place, state, country). THe pictures all turned out great and the feedbacks seems endless. My friends would talk about the performance non-stop, even if a month had already passed.

I envy them. All i have is Michael Buble, but he is not cool, he is not hip. He's just the guy in a suit singing some old crappy songs.

Well one thing is for sure, eventhough i do envy the punk/rock/indie/pop culture, i always depend on the jazz and classical as a pick me up. It always turn my mood around, when i needed them to be turned around. I never did care about the trends and the society's "norm" perspective. I only have my perspective and my social norms.

So i don't care about my idol being uncool, not hip, so not a rocker. At least he's not on drugs and alcohol. At least he is not in some hotel suite having free unprotected promiscous sex. He does them all in the backstage of his concert.

Now that is way cooler.


  1. At least he is not in some hotel suite having free unprotected promiscous sex. ?

  2. don't believe anything you see, muahaha

  3. eh, having michael buble as ur idol is wayyyyyyyyyy cooler dari kononnya indie loser tu semua. pada pandangan saya lah. hehehehe. :p

  4. haha tapi malangnya michael buble tak datang malaysia pun untuk konsert. uurgh
