Thursday 14 July 2011

Selamat Pagi.

Tiba-tiba aku dapat deja vu hari ini, atau mungkin ia boleh dikategorikan sebagai flashback, tetapi bukan dalam bentuk memori visual mahupun memori audio, tetapi ia merupakan dalam bentuk memori sensorik iaitu memori perasaan dan feeling.

maka bila aku kata aku dapat deja vu tadi, maksud aku, tiba-tiba pagi tadi aku bangun, aku dapat rasa perasaan bahawa aku berada di rumah, aku tak pasti di rumah mana, tapi yang aku tahu perasaan di rumah yang membuatkan aku rasa macam aku safe and sound. Perasaan itu pernah aku rasai sebelum ini tetapi aku lupa bila.

Anyhoo, i am just trying to write this down because there's something scaring me today, because i had a dream or a premonition or whatever. I'm just afraid to admit it bluntly here and tell you because it's really freaking me out more the more i write and think about it.

I just want to say, please to all those who've met me albeit for a short period or a for a long time, to those who know me albeit closely and intimately or just on the surface, to those of my family, relatives, friends, colleagues, and those not categorized, i implore you to forgive me if even in a brief moment i've made you felt bad. Please forgive me the best you can, i am trying to  turn a new leaf and in order to do that, i need your forgiveness as well as your support.

And i'd just like to say i really love you all and i really care, eventhough most of the time i do not show it. If i'd be given the time, i'd share my time with all of those whom i care of. that is all i would like to do. I would like to share with you the epiphany that i have experienced and i wish and pray and hope that you all would experience it too. If, for a momemnt i do not have that ooportunity to share it with you, i leave this blog, a platform for me to share so far what i have learnt, what i believe in and what i wish and hope that it can change the world so that we can grasp Jannah. InsyaAllah.

Gambar banyak lagi, tidak sempat untuk diupload. Nanti-nanti lah ye.

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