Sunday 21 December 2008

My ideal job. An exam essay. I guess.

Nowadays, most of of my friends are working part-time jobs while i am staying at home doing nothing special other than reading blogs and watching youtube. It's like i have no purpose in life, right now.

And one of my friends has invited me to go job-hunting. I'm too lazy.

But don't get me wrong, i reallly would like to have a part-time job so that i have something to do and not live off of my parents hardwork. I'd like to earn my own living once in a while but i just feel like the jobs i am considering right now are like my to-be careers.

I know that all these are just for the meantime but i just have this bad feeling that if i do one thing for a very long time, i just feel like i am going to do it for the rest of my life. I am so pessimistic in an optimistic kind of way. Or is it the other way around.

Whatever it is, i still need the money. I don't care what i am going to do with the money but i just need to know that i can do something and earn the pay. I need to feel that satisfaction in that tiredness.

But i also need to know that what i am going to do is not what i am going to do for the rest of my life. I have plans. I really do. I just don't plan to make a detail plan of how my life is going to turn out just yet. Just some scribbles in a blank piece of paper in my head.

Concerning what i want to do in the future. I am a man of much interest. Everything in the world interests me. Well almost everything. But being a young adult, i have to learn to prioritise and understand the meaning of hardwork and responsibility.

What i would love is to be a psychologist/psychiatrist/sociologist or anything along those line of work. I'd like a work about understanding human behaviours without having contact with them, at least not in a big number.

I love objectively observing and estimating human behaviour but i hate socializing. I am no social butterfly. Just a social beast(?) i guess. I'd love to know what makes people tick and why they do the things they do. Of course in doing so, for once in my life, i myself will find my own reasons for doing the things i do.

I guess everything we want from people or perhaps what we expect from others are actually reflections of what we expect from ourselves. But of course i'm no professional, not yet for that matter.

Other than the above profession, i would love to be an explorer. But not only in the conventional way. Yes i do love to watch those explorers(or whatever they're called) in those discovery channels, finding "new but old" and "old but new" discoveries. For example finding King Tut's tomb. I'd love to discover that.

Furthermore, i'd love to explore the universe. But i DO NOT want to be an astronaut. Like the recent discovery that says the planet Mars can be colonised. Well i want to be on that first ship that is going there. I'd love a new environment and learning to adapt and turning over a new leaf. It is just so fun to find new things that you are not used to.

What am i blabbering about? I'm just frustrated that most of my friends are working and getting paid. I reaaaaally need the money to buy the Watchmen.

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