Thursday 27 January 2011

For the loved ones.

Before anything happens, i would like to ask sincerely of all of you, please forgive me and all my wrongdoings. Please forgive me for all the things that i may have done purposely or otherwise that might have made you feel the least bit poorly. Even for the little things, please forgive me.

Aku minta maaf sangat-sangat. Tolonglah maafkan aku atas kesalahan aku yang banyak aku telah buat kepada anda semua. Tolonglah maafkan aku atas dosa-dosa yang anda semua tahu aku buat pada anda dan juga dosa-dosa yang anda tak tahu apa aku buat di belakang anda. Tolonglah maafkan aku.  Tolonglah maafkan aku.

I don't want to sound so morbid, but that's the truth. Life can be so morbid with the mortal lives we possess which isn't really ours to begin with. It can be taken away from us in an instant without hesitation. We can sit still and just wait for it to happen or we can just collect as many Pahala's we can for the trip we will journey on in the hereafter. For the supply, the stockpiles, the extra cash, the treasure, the currency in the hereafter.

You can be very rich in this life, but will you be rich in the next life that expands to eternity. Just thinking about it makes me shiver and look away.


  1. HMM... me too.... sorry, sorry, sorry.... dah macam lagu super junior lak...

  2. kau nak sorry apa nye? tak ada pun buat salah. aku ni banyak buat salah kat kau wei. mintak maaf. :(
