Sunday 30 January 2011

Jaga pertahanan, jaga ukhuwah.

Ah, to hell with all those standards cooked up by non-us. We create our standards. Why do we have to follow theirs. Who are them to say that a friend is someone who won't call your parents Mr. or Mrs. but mom and dad. I admit that those are some pretty good ways to indicate how close you are, but those are their ways, not ours. Don't believe it that we are close because we can share comfortable silence together. Those are just lies. Being together, we have to exchange ideas to gain new knowledge or remember old ones. Not share silence And if we have run out of other topics to discuss, the first and foremost topics we should remember about is Allah. No need for uncomfortable and comfortable silence. No need for Best Friends Forever.Rasulullah S.A.W. pun tak macam tu ok. Dia dengan sahabat-sahabat dia semua pentingkan Allah dahulu. There are other examples, but you get the gist. Don't follow other people's perspectives, make your own. Don't just follow it because it is suitable and easy and fun and cool. 

Walaupun dalam satu persahabatan itu banyak kali sakit hati ke apa. Persetankan semua itu. Jangan fikir sangat. Kalau kau dah sayang, kau takkan fikir pasal benda-benda kecil. Kalau kau dah sayang, kau tak payah marah dia sebab benda kecil, melainkan benda itu memang berlawanan dengan agama, maka kau memang bertanggungjawab untuk menegur. Apa-apa yang lain daripada itu, yang baik atau tidak baik, kau terus terang. Aku faham terus terang itu susah, memang susah. Kalau tak ada skil nak terus terang, kau senyap, sabar, doa. Simple as that. 

Apa kau dapat? Simple je. Kau nak syurga atau neraka? Kau nak sabar atau nak marah dan melenting? Diam diri atau caci maki dalam hati? Daripada kau fikir pasal apa salah orang itu buat, baik kau fikir bahawa satu hari ini ada tak kau ingat kepada Allah? Tuhan kau? Pencipta kau? Sudahkah kau lupa siapa kau sebenarnya?

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